What a Winter in Yuma

Wow, we have had the coldest winter since we have been here, along with more rain than ever seen before here.  It is finally starting to warm up some.  We absolutely love it here and love the park we are in and all the community.  We still have our park model at Westwind that we rent out each season but want to sell it.  Drew was driving school bus for about six months then quit, too much stress and no control.  So now he just works in the park.  I started selling a new product for nails called "Color Street"  check it out!  I think its a miracle product and magical!  So easy and lasts for couple months if you want it on that long.  We have had quiet winter for the most part. Little Hunter (great grandson) came to stay a few times for a week or so, and our friends Denny & Vicki Beers came to stay a few days. Always love having Little Hunter and he has such fun here. Looking forward to summer and warmer weather, but sad to see all our winter snow birds leave.  We have such fun here in the park and lots of activities. You can check us out on your facebook page by typing in the search box this address: www.facebook.com/groups/coyoteranch.  Well have to run to an activity now catch ya later.


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