Uh Oh!!

     Well the New Year started off with a fall out of the RV or slip I should say on the steps then the fall.  I buggered me-self up really good.  Nothing broke thank goodness but bruised and cut up good and really sore can't hardly move about. Which gives me time to work on my quilt full time.  Got the quilt all pinned with the help of my fellow host pals who also sew and are giving me some tips and helpful hand.  This is my first big quilt other than baby rag quilts and small ones. I'm excited about it! I an hand stitching around all those half moon squiggly things in the color of the shapes.
     We are going to the community crab feed Friday with park friends which will be cool to try out.  Other wise just working the park, playing bingo, quilting, riding my new bike till my recent fall.  Waiting on Andrews social security results from the hearing, then will plan our next steps for April time frame.  Hoping to get a place here where we lived in Nehalem or a bigger RV will see what pans out for us.  Still looking forward to a better year, with high hopes and faith, knowing that God will provide our way. Here are some pictures below of my quilt project and my injuries from the fall, although the bruising from fall is greater now that is has been a few days, my ribs and sides are bruising up and the knee and foot are more back and blue now as well and swelling is worse.  Takes me couple minutes to get up-right when I stand and also to bend to sit.  Have just been miserable and in pain.  Poor Andrew having to tolerate me, my condition and mood. He has been doing all the park duties as host on his own.  I will go sit in visitors center today, that I can do.

appened Sunday 10th and now is 14th.  I am waiting to be on down side of healing anytime now.


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