Closing Out the Year

     We are glad indeed to be at the end of 2015.  not one of our better years for sure.  We just wondered aimlessly this past year making one bad decision after another.  It seems since we had to leave Las Vegas when Andrew became sick we have been lost.  Our life was completely changed in a 6-8 month period very dramatically. It was very overwhelming for us and we had made good friendships and lasting bonds with people there in our community.  That was suppose to be our forever home.  Since leaving Vegas we have been to California, Oregon, Corpus Christie TX, Hawaii, and back to Oregon again. I am almost certain that we are home in Oregon to stay.  We may go for a few months in winter someplace but plan to stay here. We simply don't have the energy or desire to go again. At any rate we hope this next year graces us with stability and helps us to find our perfect spot here on the Oregon Coast to land.  We are looking to buy something here.  We have a couple things we are considering, one is where we had our place on the river in Nehalem, there are a couple model homes there up for sale.  We also like the Astoria area so may look here as well.  For now we are snug through the winter in our motorhome here at Ft. Stevens state Park.  If only it would quit raining......

     We went to Portland for Andrew's Social Security hearing (Two years in the waiting) on the 18th. I wasn't allowed in at first as the judge wanted to meet with him alone.  I was worried because he can't remember things and gets frustrated easily, but the clerk came out and said that the judge wanted me to come in also.  So she met with Andrew for about 40 minutes, then I went in and he opted for me to meet with her by myself and he left the room.  She questioned me and I was there about 30 minutes (very emotional) then Andrew came back and then the vocational specialist was online and the judge asked them many questions and gave them examples of what she wanted to know. At any rate it was a very emotional and stressful day as we had to dredge over the last two years of our life plus years as far back as 2002 - 2008.  We won't know the outcome until she sends us the written decision, which should be within a few weeks.  What ever the outcome at least it is over with.  We just want to find some peace and enjoy what is left of our life together for however long that may be.  So this is our current plan and we plan to do it right here in Oregon.

     This next fall may take a train trip with some friends back East to see the fall colors and visit Martha's Vineyards etc...  We haven't decided on Train or River Boat, looking into both.  If anyone has done that trip let me know your thoughts? 

     Well that is about all I have on update for us, hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and a very prosperous New Year!


elithe kahn said…
Dear Friends,

God puts us in places and we do not know the reason but he does. We have been pleased that we met here in Vegas and please know that you are always welcome to come and visit and stay with us here in Sun City Anthem.

Our prayers go to you as you spend the Holidays and remember Jesus is the reason for the season. Sending you love and prayers.

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