Hawaii We Have Arrived

      We had a bit of a rocky start, here is an email we sent out about our first few days, along with a video and some photos. We have been over to our original home and we are on the list for another place there in 6 months. They will let us know when one in the quieter section of the property opens up. We still want to be over there possibly. 
Dear Family and Friends,

Day 1                                                                 June 1st

     Aloha from Hawaii (paradise)……Well good news we arrived safe and sound with great flights, and the dogs were terrific as was the transition at all stops.  The Department of Agriculture was waiting for us as we got off the plane and did the inspection of both animals in less than 10 minutes and we were done.  Got the rental car, found our way thru the Island to Ewa Beach and our new home. After getting house keys and dropping off all our suit cases went to store to get a few things. Upon return at around 9pm and a very long day almost over, we were dead tired so showered and called it a day. 


     Within seconds of our heads hitting the pillow on our comfy blow up bed and reaching that almost asleep stage, we were startled by the noise in the distance of what quite possibly was the sound of the engines of a triple 7 jet aircraft which became louder and at about the time we realized the noise it thrust its engines to a roaring sound equal of that of what would be the sound of a million or more Banchi’s right above your house. We and the dogs all completely freaked and jumped up hearts pounding looking for somewhere to run when we saw the reflections of what appeared to be plane wings around our dimly lit bedroom.  Subsequently this went on all night at 10 -12 minute intervals. 

Day 2                                                          June 2nd

     Since there is no sleeping going on, waiting for things to open seems like an eternity.  Once the leasing office opens I am first in line to talk to the manager about our lease and our problem we have with them and not disclosing to us the fact that we are in flight path descending arrival.  She is very nice and they are very cooperative and understanding and look to see if there is anywhere else on other side of property for us to locate to.  Well as our luck would have it there is nothing available.  They let us out of our lease which is a good thing. So we get most all our monies back and we load up our belongings and hit the road to look for a new house.  It’s about 11:00am when we hit the roads of Oahu and a Places to look at.  OMG (Oh My Gracious) we have been from one side to other looking at places and some re just the worst ever you cannot believe it.  By 6:00pm we decide to quit for the day when we start cursing the GPS and throwing it around in the car, first Andrew has a meltdown of frustration as the map reader and guiding my driving directions, then within minutes it is my turn as the last place was worse than the last before it.  We decide to head over to Tripler Medical center and stay there in the lodging as we have VA appointments next am.  Get over there to the Pink enormous hospital on the hill, and there is a Fisher House (actually 3 beautiful ones) but the gal left 20 minutes ago who checks you in.  Again “Day late, dollar short”  Fisher Houses are for veterans and families to stay if you qualify which I do. They are all very nice places usually very large homes all fully equipped and stocked kitchens for use etc….. So instead option 2 is the military side of hospital hotel.  Yeah! Yeah! They have a room!!!!!   We check in and we have double room kitchenette with nice furniture etc……Ahhhhh can relax….re-group and start fresh in am.  Watch some TV, shower, eat, relax, and look up some places to view and make list for tomorrow after our appointments. Good-night

Day 3                                                                     June 3rd

     Up ready for new day and fresh start.  Feeling positive and confident as we have our coffee.  We were told to go to 2nd floor of Tripler Medical to check in. Arrived 20 minutes early for check in just in case since it is first initial appointment with our new primary doctors.  They have never heard of us and we are not in the system @#*@#@ what the H__ll. We are directed to admissions to figure it all out.  Army Specialist Camos goes to look us up with our VA cards and info and same thing no record…….. at this point we are thinking we have entered some kind of zone unknown to mankind or we are crazy and imagined the call to confirm last evening and the person giving us specific instruction to what is the ONLY PINK BUILDING ON THE HILL OF OAHU.  I then call the Oahu VA and ask them to please look up our appointment and confirm where it is located. I am now speaking to Matt very nice young man on speaker so Army spec. Camos can hear. He confirms we are where we need to be but VA is on back side of Tripler Medical Center and we are on front side.  He says go to cafeteria, go out side door of hallway there take stairs to second floor and enter and you will be on VA side.  The specialist Camos understood the location exactly and said she would escort us over.  We all hung up and the admissions learned that VA is in back side…………What the hell we are thinking they share hospital and don’t know each other exist????  Now after being early 20 minutes for check in we are now 1 hour late………Army specialist Camos gets us on trolly shuttle which takes us around to back side and low and behold giant VA MEDICAL CENTER sign appears.  Go in go to 2nd floor check in to find they marked us as no show as we are 1 hour late.  They direct Andrew to his clinic and me to womens health telling us to explain why we are here late.

Andrew’s doctor had to leave so he gets re-scheduled, I am seen and doctor gets me squared away. Once all done with labs pharmacy etc…….get out of there at 11:30.  We are totally stressed already, my blood pressure was very high and they took it three times.  Back on road and search for housing as we are currently HOMELESS IN HAWAII………Call 10 or more places I have marked to go look at some, it is 3pm now, our confidence is gone along with our positive outlook we started the new day with.  It’s getting late we decide to go look at one more place and then re-group and make plans for the night.  This last place is in center of downtown Honolulu a condo.  Arrive to location high rise bldgs. all around.  The gal arrives to show it to us. Have to use a key to enter gate area, then key at elevator, no key, no getting in period. Go up to fifth floor into unit, one bed room, balcony pretty nice place clean downtown area.  We take it!!!!!  The realtor lady Donna was very very nice and let us move in right here and now prior to waiting on application.  We found this on military site owner is retired Colonel.  YEAH not HOMELESS anymore. Now to start to fix all the address changes and corrections and re-scheduling of things I had to cancel the first day. 

So for those who have been non-believers that this was going to be our last adventure and we are here to stay!   I think you can believe it now for certain and without any doubts as this last few days about did us in.   This was all our adventures and travels of last 13 years in three days…..STICK A FORK IN US WE ARE DONE DO NOT HAVE THE STAMINA FOR ANY MORE ADVENTURES, JUST CALM AND ROUTINES FROM HERE OUT.  Throughout the past three days the dogs have had this look of “What the H­_ll will they do next”!  What good little troopers they have been. No home phone now will keep our cell number:  (361) 215-8653 will take some pics next few days and post. Have to rest first………
New Address:      
Andrew & Teresa Ciupryk                                                           411 Kaiolu #502                                                                Honolulu, Hawaii 96815






 Here is a video from why we found new place......



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