
Showing posts from June, 2015

Let the Celebrations Begin

Can't believe a month has gone by already. We are absolutely loving it here, there is so much to do, see and learn. We find we are even liking living in the center of the city. Everything is conveniently located so close. We went to our first Bon Ceremony at the park over the weekend, so cool and so much fun (see video attached below). I have gotten some calls to Officiate a few weddings, one next week. Went to a Hawaiian rodeo with some friends it was very fun. Apartment looks like a home now we had our first BBQ with some neighbors over. Looking forward to the 4th of July here downtown there are all kinds of parades and stuff going on. We have fireworks every Friday night from Hilton Hawaiian Village that we see from our lanai, but I hear tell the 4th and New Years are big big firework here and Chinese new year. The bases have stuff going on as well. I have a couple web sites we started since we got here listed below you can check out. One is "Day to Remember" and the o

Learning Our Way

  Well we have been here almost one month.  It has gone by fast and we have accomplished a lot in that month.  We are learning our way around pretty good, as well as the lingo. For example:  Howsit Brudda? Wiki wiki (quickly), mahalo (thank you) Ono (delicious), Pup (snack), Lanai (patio/porch)you get the idea.  Plus we are trying new foods specific to Hawaii.  The VA dietician gave a an entire booklet on the caloric values of the Hawaiian foods since we are diabetic.  We have tried several of the local fruits that are very different from what we have. They are very yummy. Here are some more pictures of along the canal and some out-rigger races. We usually walk it twice a day and they are out in the evenings usually in the boats.     This Bird of Paradise is at our Building Flowers near our place   Marmalade above and Buster below    This is our favorite tree on the block it is huge and hangs or canopies over the streets on two sides

Feeling Blessed and Refreshed

We are feeling very blessed to have such  great family and good friends.  We are also feeling very blessed by all we meet here in Hawaii, people are very friendly and helpful.  The VA Hospital and Tripler Medical Center have been wonderful and the care here is night and day from Texas and Las Vegas.  We haven't had any care really for two years with the exception of what little care we got in Oregon, which also was good.  They are very efficient here and on the ball.  They actually remember you from visit to visit and call to check up.  Our primary Doc's put in specialty consults and we have appointments all scheduled for neurology, cardiology, pulmonology, optical, podiatry, endoctural and nuclear medicine etc... Busy thru July and part of August, but getting it all done.  Our diabetic medications were changed as our diabetes is progressed after so many years that oral medication doesn't work any more to control it so insulin it is but good news is they use the pens here (

Life is Looking Good!!!!

     We are on day 13 in Hawaii and have been able to explore the area around us more. We are close to everything within walking distance. Great restaurants that we can't wait to try and always something going on. Today being a Saturday there are many farmers markets to go to or can go to China town markets.  W have several parks near our condo to walk to, below are some photos of one we strolled last night.  The Hilton Hawaiian Village is just 4/10 of a mile away and they have all kinds of shops and things to do along with fireworks every Friday night at 7:30 which we can see from our balcony. Lasts about half hour. We get our car on Monday the 15th so that will be nice to have. We have had two appointments at the VA already and they are absolutely wonderful here, what a change can actually get seen here and they remember you. We are both scheduled for a lot of appointments as our care has been so poor and our health has been neglected.  I go in Tuesday to podiatry to have an infe

Better Days in Paradise

     We are having a much better week this week than last.  We are rested up, spent the weekend riding the bus and exploring the city of Honolulu. Got some stuff for the apartment and ordered our furniture which will arrive tomorrow. Starting to look up. We are missing two packages we mailed here but post office is tracking them down. Hopefully they will find them. We have been to the VA and the doctors are on the ball here, getting our medical stuff all done and people are very nice.  My doctor called me the next day after my labs came back and went over them with me and I have been scheduled for all the stuff I need as well as Andrew. This part has been great.      So far we like living in the City and being in the center of things. Its actually pretty quiet, there was some fireworks and loud party stuff on Friday nights. During the week it is quiet. Its a little odd to see Walmart and major stores as skyscrapers. Our car arrives the 16th which will be good. Then we can get to the b

Hawaii We Have Arrived

      We had a bit of a rocky start, here is an email we sent out about our first few days, along with a video and some photos. We have been over to our original home and we are on the list for another place there in 6 months. They will let us know when one in the quieter section of the property opens up. We still want to be over there possibly.  Dear Family and Friends, Day 1                                                                  June 1st      Aloha from Hawaii (paradise)……Well good news we arrived safe and sound with great flights, and the dogs were terrific as was the transition at all stops.   The Department of Agriculture was waiting for us as we got off the plane and did the inspection of both animals in less than 10 minutes and we were done.   Got the rental car, found our way thru the Island to Ewa Beach and our new home. After getting house keys and dropping off all our suit cases went to store to get a few things. Upon return at around 9pm and a very lon