Feeling Blessed and Refreshed

We are feeling very blessed to have such  great family and good friends.  We are also feeling very blessed by all we meet here in Hawaii, people are very friendly and helpful.  The VA Hospital and Tripler Medical Center have been wonderful and the care here is night and day from Texas and Las Vegas.  We haven't had any care really for two years with the exception of what little care we got in Oregon, which also was good.  They are very efficient here and on the ball.  They actually remember you from visit to visit and call to check up.  Our primary Doc's put in specialty consults and we have appointments all scheduled for neurology, cardiology, pulmonology, optical, podiatry, endoctural and nuclear medicine etc... Busy thru July and part of August, but getting it all done.  Our diabetic medications were changed as our diabetes is progressed after so many years that oral medication doesn't work any more to control it so insulin it is but good news is they use the pens here (piece of cake).  Getting on track.  Our car came this week on Monday  the 15th, and also our two boxes (one had out TV that were lost for three weeks came yesterday the 18th, only two days after we bought another TV.   Right!!!  Started doing Water Aerobics here in our Condo Bldg. which is fun and plus meeting people who live here.  Been working on a Web Site for Andrew as he is starting a small business here in Waikiki/Honolulu downtown area.  there are a lot of Condo's and older people plus people who work long hours with little time to do things. Check it out http://grocerydeliveryandhomerepairs.webs.com/  Still working out some of the details.  Plus I transferred my ministry license to Hawaii so I can perform marriages, baptism etc..... Here in Hawaii. Marriage falls under State rather than County Clerk here.  Our house is starting to look like somebody lives here now, we have gotten some furniture and needed items.  Dogs are great adapting to city life same as us, it is nice living in the center of things and having easy access.  Found a good Thai restaurant right next to our building -- which might not be a good thing!  Here are some pictures of our place and how it is coming along, we will take camera on our next walk and try to get some pic's around the hood. 

Living Room

Living Room  & Marmalade


Living room Looking into kitchen

Wall I painted going into kitchen and our desk



1/2  Lanai (Patio)

Other 1/2 of Lanai



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