
Showing posts from December, 2014

Guess What? Another Adventure

Just when you think you are happens?  Life happens.  We were getting ready and planning a bike trip across Oregon and California.  We were getting ready to build MAB (motor assist bikes) for the trip with the help of an expert builder of bikes.  We were getting very excited about it and had been doing our research and planning.  But, yes here comes the but......Life happens and the people in our lives come first.  We had talked about Oregon and how much we love the rainy winters (not) and toyed with the thought of moving to a warmer but yet still humid climate place and looked at the possibilities.  Then we decided no we would stay here in Oregon because we are close to the son and his family and we can see the grandkids more.  So we put our thoughts of warmer place on back burner. Well the thoughts on the back burner have come forward again as Sierra and the new baby need some help and we are going to move to warmer place & get big enough place for us, her and baby

Getting Colder

  Had a great thanksgiving with Preston , Jen and the grandchildren at Preston's in Demascus.  We ate one of the turkey we killed and yummy.  The only problem was fitting it in the pan which was three times too small.  Had to go buy a pan and even then it only held a 25 lb bird so Preston cut ours in two pieces (north to South or was it east to west)  there was some discussion about that in the kitchen.  There is a video but the language is not for children or the light hearted.......Here is the spread of food.   We had a feast and Jenny's brother Brad and his girlfriend Julie came over as well.  The day after Thanksgiving we had a poker game Friday night with some of Preston and Jens friends.  Needless to say Andrew and I took them out of play slowly taking all their money.   I took out the son and one of his friends at same time then took out his friends wife.  Then dad took out one player and Jen.  It was down to Andrew and I for 1st and 2nd with Jen getting 3rd. 

Winter is Here in Oregon

     First just let me say  "GO DUCK'S" Now that is out of my system......Guess what?   We are very, very, very, proud new great grandparents with emphasis on the GREAT!  Our little Sierra gave birth to the most wonderful little baby boy "Hunter"  born 19th of Nov at 7lbs 11oz.  What a trooper Sierra was as she had some delivery issues (minor).  Both are fine and doing very well as you can see below.  We did not go for the birth as we are going to go see her and Mathew both once they are settled at Fort Campbell Kentucky.  She is delayed to travel for a few more weeks, and then Kyp is helping her to drive to KY and will fly back.  After just 13 days Sierra looks fabulous and back to herself not one stretchmark.