Home Sweet Home

     Well we are back from our Month long excursion.  With the exception of spending time with Kyp and Sierra in CA our trip was very disappointing. Sierra is ready to have that baby boy Hunter! Her shower was a huge success and a lot of fun. She has a storage unit full of stuff for the baby and household to take to Kentucky.  She and Mathew will be going to Fort Campbell Ky. the second week of December, or as soon as she can travel with wee one.  Kyp (the daughter) will drive with her and the baby to Kentucky and help out then fly back. Andrew and I will go to Kentucky after she gets there and she and Mathew are settled in. I am working hard on stepping back and letting the grandma's have their glory. Those who know me understand the difficulty in ME taking a back seat! I must say I am doing very good at it so far (must be my older age now).  Baby Hunter is turned and ready to go for three weeks now, and this past week Sierra was 2 centimeters and 60% effaced. Dr. said she may see her next week if not sooner. It was so great to get to go to doctor with her and to just sit on couch and feel baby Hunter moving around. We are so excited to greet him! Sierra is going to be a great mom, she has become such an adult the last year, and her mind and thoughts have totally gone mommy mode. The car she picked out for her an Mathew is a family type car totally. It has been weird to see this side of her.  Also on the note of growing up, we had Chance all summer, and it had been only a month since we saw him.  He grew at least another foot and is taller than us, and his voice changed.  Both older grandkids grew up over night it seems.

      With our trouble in Vegas, to the cruise to Hawaii for 16 days. I am still very upset about the whole Vegas thing towards us, as there were several people that I wanted to see that I may not have another chance to (Ruthie, Frieda, Matilda, Betty) not to mention others. These gals are older and it was important to me to see them.  I'm still not sure what I am going to do about being treated that way.  My fight part for justice and wrong doing wants to do something, but my older and tired part says I am tired of fighting for what is right.  At any rate it is still a heart sore and brings me to tears when I think about it.  Guess living on a boat for 13 years and spending time in Bahamas and Florida Keys has spoiled us as far as Islands go.  Hawaii Islands were big but seemed very barren and the waters are not nearly as beautiful as Caribbean waters.  The cruise itself was not what we have previously experienced  with others over the years.  the entertainment was horrible and somewhat non existent, there was comedy show variety but the comedians were not that good and used the audience for their show for most part.  As always the food was great!  Activities were okay needed to be more for that many days at sea (4 days going and 4 days back)  At any rate we are glad to be back home again.  The weather has been great since we got home, we are back in routine walking everyday and drinking our nutra bullet drinks.  Working on some health issues trying to get back on track.  Andrew is doing very well and is staying stable.  WE are happy about that.  He goes in next week for his 6 month pulmonary function testing and to meet with his pulmonologist.  He will probably schedule his CT scan then, if Andrew will take it is another question.  He refused the  last one, I think he just doesn't want to know the progression.  I would like to know what is going on and if it is dormant again or progressing.  His attitude is when I die we will know.  I've been trying to convince him to have it done saying that he needs to as he still has a claim pending.  For right now life is good! 
     Below are a few pictures we took in Hawaii, Sierra baby shower,  Chance as he got his first deer this year, and a few I took after we got home of the sunrise in the morning out our porch looking at the river and mountain across from it.  The picture just doesn't capture the sunrise colors and reflection on the water.  We can sit out on porch as it is covered and we have a propane heater to warm us as we have our coffee.







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