Fall is Here

     As the leaves start to turn and fall, we also hear sounds of children back in school.  The traffic is less, the population of people has dropped as summer comes to a close.  We finished up our gig at the park, myself as a host and Andrew as a seasonal Assistant Ranger.  Over the last week of August we were moving to the new house, finishing at the parks and had the grand kids that week.  Just let me say it was busy.  Our son and daughter in law came down and he power washed our house and deck, what a huge difference it made (see photo below).  We said to each other that we were not going to do or go anywhere in September and just get settled into our house and relax.  Ha! The second week of September (this past week) 11-17th we were in Portland so I could get iron infusions.  One bag a day for five days. The VA lodged us in Hotel and we also stayed at Preston's over the weekend. Went to watch Tripton play in a football game, he did real well and it was fun to watch the kids play. We had a great time with the grand kids and we helped can tomato sauce, plums and make grape juice on Saturday and on Sunday I helped the son butcher three turkey's. They were huge turkey's, they  dressed out at 39lb, 32lb and 17lb.  The son, Tripton (6) and myself did all three turkey's.  Jen helped hold the turkey a couple times, but she Andrew and Cadence couldn't take it.  So, the treatments went well without any problems and now I wait for about 5 weeks to see what my levels are and how I retain the iron and how often I will have to have the infusions.  Don't notice any changes yet physically or energy wise.

     We are back home again and can finish up with unpacking and arranging things.  Andrew put our bed together so we are off the floor now.  I think everything is put away someplace as there are no more boxes or containers to unpack.  Now it is just arranging and finding where everything should be.  We got back from Portland yesterday, it is a 2-3 hr drive depending on traffic.  I said lets stop and check mail box at post office real quick, Andrew said no lets do it later.  Well we stopped after much discussion, and as we are in line behind another car to leave parking lot into the road and there is another car behind me, so I am in middle a lady in the parking spot to my passenger side starts backing out of her space and hits me right on passenger side where Andrew is sitting.  She gets out and we get out and the entire door is dented in.  she was in this big truck and said she totally did not see us.  she was so upset and sorry etc...  We exchanged info and called her insurance when we got home, she had already called them.  She was a local gal about our age.  Should have listened to Andrew and gone later to check mail.   We saw her backing and knew we were getting hit, was nothing we could do as we were sandwiched in except yell at her to stop.  She heard yelling but couldn't see where it was coming from.  I tell ya our luck!!  Andrew said he isn't worried about fixing the fender bump now.  This is Sierra's car that we have had for last year and just paid it off two weeks ago.  Will see what happens there, more to come. 

     On another note we are finally settled I think and can relax now.  A girl friend and I are going to Lincoln City to see Trace Adkins concert on Saturday.  Really excited about that, it is my birthday present.  Then next month we fly to California on 10th for Sierra baby shower, then leave from there on our cruise to Hawaii for 16 days round trip. Maybe when we get back from the cruise Sierra will be close to going into labor before we go home to Oregon.  Her hubby Matthew finishes basic training this next week in Carolina so she is flying there to see him graduate.  So far he is loving the Army and all the PT.  They are a cute couple and we like Matthew.  They have both come a long way this past year.  Things are looking up all the time.  Below are some pictures, will take a video of the house today and post later. 

Me, Cadence and Tripton on Beach Ride

Our deck Power washed before and after shot

Sierra "BIG" Belly


Matthew in Basic (Sierra's Hubby)

This moving is hard work and makes me sleepy!

One if the Turkey's we butchered

He is all plucked ready to cut down

Tripton being a boy! Turkey ready to wash, wrap and freeze


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