
Showing posts from March, 2014

Welcome Spring!!!

     The park has been full for 3 weeks now, what with spring break.  We have three States surrounding us that stagger their spring breaks, Washington, Idaho and Oregon.  We have also had a lot of folks from BC Vancouver area.  Its about over now, but was a good practice run before summer hits.  We move on 31st to Fort Stephens to run the museum and historic tours.  Looking forward to the break for a few months of camp hosting.  There are four camp hosts, but two of those host positions do only cleaning and maintenance of sites, and the other two are main camp host that run the Kiosk and reservations check in plus clean yurts and restrooms.  Out of the two main camp host, the one is backup for the others day off. Guess who is the main host?  Yep me, so I operate the entire thing 5 days a week and the other one is two days a week.  As main you are available 24 hrs., track all the others and their duties, check in of reservations daily, selling of the firewood/ice/helmets (also keeping w

Rain, Rain, and more Rain!!!!!! Go Away Already!!!!

     We are getting our April showers now in March here at the Oregon coast.  Of course this is why we have such beautiful tree's and greenery here.  Went over to Portland yesterday and spent the night with the son and his family, as today was grandparents day at their school.  We had a good time at their school and went to the book fair to assist them in choosing some books that we grandparents could buy (hence grandparents Day).  We had a great lunch with them.  We also purchased a brick which will be part of a side walk there at the school with their names and a icon on it.  After the grandparents day we then went to look at a trailer we have had our eye on that we saw online.  We loved it in person as well as online and decided to get it.  Time to go bigger and be more comfortable. So we paid half today as down payment and will pay remainder on April 1st when we go make the exchange of one RV for another and transfer our stuff.  I'm excited and now we can go get our stuff i

In like a lion or lamb or whatever it is??????

    Can't believe how fast February went by my gosh......Had a beautiful weekend full camp ground lots of activity going on. Went to the big town Seaside/Astoria area to get groceries, go to Joannes fabrics and Home Depot.  Big day out Ha! Ha!  Oh and Bingo in Rockaway in the evening, even won a game or Andrew did.  Today (Sunday) check out day, have all 18 yurts to clean and 6 of those have reservations coming in today.  We have the Kiosk 5 of the 7 days so we don't do as many yurts they all go to the other hosts and we just help if we can.  On our way to Seaside yesterday (27 miles) we stopped at Ecola State Park to visit the rangers and below are a few pictures of what we saw going in to the park.   This is a fallen tree from the wind storm the week before, the picture does not do justice to the size. There are many that went down and closed the coastal roads.      This is the Roots      Andrew is standing on the back by the roots to take the pic