In like a lion or lamb or whatever it is??????

    Can't believe how fast February went by my gosh......Had a beautiful weekend full camp ground lots of activity going on. Went to the big town Seaside/Astoria area to get groceries, go to Joannes fabrics and Home Depot.  Big day out Ha! Ha!  Oh and Bingo in Rockaway in the evening, even won a game or Andrew did.  Today (Sunday) check out day, have all 18 yurts to clean and 6 of those have reservations coming in today.  We have the Kiosk 5 of the 7 days so we don't do as many yurts they all go to the other hosts and we just help if we can.  On our way to Seaside yesterday (27 miles) we stopped at Ecola State Park to visit the rangers and below are a few pictures of what we saw going in to the park. 

 This is a fallen tree from the wind storm the week
before, the picture does not do justice to the size.
There are many that went down and closed the
coastal roads.
 This is the Roots
 Andrew is standing on the back by the roots to take
the picture and can't even see the entire tree.
 This is coming in to Cannon Beach where Ecola State Park is.
 The next few photos are of some elk eating near
 a house entering the park on some berries. All
females and their young.

 The road to the park is very narrow and twisty and windy
but very, very, lush in ferns and giant tree's with a few redwoods
 and lots of greenery...

One hour tours for $45
So its just another day in a different kind of paradise for us......  The Oregon coast really is a beautiful place!  and I am not prejudice ...

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