Welcome Spring!!!

     The park has been full for 3 weeks now, what with spring break.  We have three States surrounding us that stagger their spring breaks, Washington, Idaho and Oregon.  We have also had a lot of folks from BC Vancouver area.  Its about over now, but was a good practice run before summer hits.  We move on 31st to Fort Stephens to run the museum and historic tours.  Looking forward to the break for a few months of camp hosting.  There are four camp hosts, but two of those host positions do only cleaning and maintenance of sites, and the other two are main camp host that run the Kiosk and reservations check in plus clean yurts and restrooms.  Out of the two main camp host, the one is backup for the others day off. Guess who is the main host?  Yep me, so I operate the entire thing 5 days a week and the other one is two days a week.  As main you are available 24 hrs., track all the others and their duties, check in of reservations daily, selling of the firewood/ice/helmets (also keeping wood stocked), operating Kiosk keeping brochures updated and filled and assisting campers with registering.  Meet with rangers daily for updates of park etc...... So needless to say it has been super busy last three weeks.  Plus Andrew and I are in a play production locally of "The Butler Did It" a comedy thriller. 
 The play has run for two weeks this is the last week.....thank goodness!  It has been super fun and we have enjoyed it, hope to do a few more.  I am also teaching line dancing at the recreation center in town on Saturdays.  I started it just here at park in meeting hall then locals started coming and before I knew it I go recruited to the rec center.  Will still come do Saturday class after we go to Fort Stephens as it is only 30 miles away.

     We have had a week of great weather then some rain again but temperatures are warming up.  I got an infection of some kind in my right lower leg and it swelled and became very inflamed had to see Dr. and got a few shots, a tetanus and penicillin then additional antibiotics to take.  Don't know if it was from a scratch I got or the spider that bit me.  At any rate it is getting better.  It was really nasty for a few days couldn't hardly walk.  Andrew is doing great weather agrees with him here.  Had the two youngest grandchildren who live in Portland for part of spring break, had fun with them, look forward to spending more time with them this summer. 

     We decided against the trailer we were getting as they wouldn't give us the sale price of $17,000 and put it at 19,000 and then gave us trade in of $2100.  We said no as we felt that was not right as the price on it was $17,000 but because we had a trade sale price wasn't in effect?  Still looking for something similar to that.   I have been making walking sticks and staff's, really getting into the craft of it.  Invested in my own tools, Dremel set and accessories, jig saw, and  knives.  Have gotten two completed.  (see below)

     Here are some photos of our Ranger buddies and secretary Cindy here at the Nehalem Bay State Park.  We have had a great time this winter and look forward to the summer time coming back to host the park.  We are off this next Monday 31st to Fort Stephens for April and May.  We will sure miss seeing our Ranger Buddies every day.  They are a great group at Nehalem Bay.  Below are a few photos.
                          MATT  "BOSS"

NATHAN, GEOFF, JASON   (RANGERS)                                                                      


                                                                                    GEOFF, NATHAN AND JASON "RANGERS"

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