Having Fun

  We are enjoying ourselves here, started a line dance class using the park meeting hall.  Had around 10 people the first class.  Since the first class I have had five more that are coming to next one.  Some are locals from town and a few park rangers and their wives.  Have had decent weather this past week, all the snow is gone.  I have been busy with several projects, crochet, sewing, beading etc....most know I have to stay busy all the time.  Below are some pictures of my projects.  Had a nice Valentines anniversary (34years) went to dinner in town and Saturday going to play Bingo in another town close by.  Andrew is doing fairly well, he has low energy sometimes and tires easily. His lung capacity is holding at 65% now after using steroids for a couple months.  He liked it when he was on the steroids as it gave him a lot of energy and he felt like his old self.  Will talk to the doctor about possibly taking something once in awhile. He just hates that he can't do like he use to do. Some acceptance issues. He tries to be positive.
We are still waiting for Social Security, but looks hopeful. Also filed for VA disability since his condition is military related.  For those of you who know our experience there in Vegas with the VA, you will be happy to know we filed a TORT act against them for the medical attention they didn't give and in fact almost killed Andrew before I finally took him to civilian hospital.  That is going real well, in fact they contacted us and wanted copies of all the outside VA medical costs and hospital bills which are in excess of 80,000.00 or more.  Will see what happens there, we do know they are paying all the medical bills.  At any rate we are hanging in there.  Here are some pictures. 

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                                                   Key Chains made with used wine corks

                                                  Pot Holder/dish cloth sets (two in each)

                                                                Simple Wine Bottle Bags


        Bowl/cup/dish cozies for microwave (no more burnt fingers)
Various sizes
                                                 Simply lift out using the corners of cozies

                                                                 Handbag/Tote Bag

                                                                     Inside Tote

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