Coming into Winter Now

       We are still on the road, heading to Casa Grande by December 1st.  Will make our winter home there at "Desert Springs Ranch"  and then spend 3 months during the summer traveling to visit family in Utah and Oregon. We have had a great summer and fall, after spending July and part of August in Utah with my brother and his family we continued on to Oregon to visit our son, daughter in law and grandchildren. Spent August and September in Junction City area where we were in all the fires going on.  It was the worst thing I've ever seen or experienced in my life.  Our family reunion was on September 19th and fortunately the smoke cleared and we had a great day for the reunion (see pics below).  This family reunion was scheduled after finding out we had a new family member "Ben" and it was to welcome him to the family.  It was much more than that, it was also a renewal of family in so many ways.  I had not seen my dads side if the family for 34 years.  As a child I spent time with them when I went to see my grandparents in the summer's (my dads parents) and hung out mostly with my cousins Rob and Linda.  As an adult I last saw my cousin Linda when our son was 2yrs old and we lived in Roseburg Oregon.  We had been estranged all those years. We stayed in our motor home at my cousin Linda's and her husband Terry's place for three weeks prior to reunion.  What a great time we had getting to know them and spend time, it didn't feel like we'd been estranged all those years at all.  This was one renewal of family bonded back together.  The greatest renewal of family and one I've prayed on for seven years was with our son and his family.  We have been estranged and not seen or talked to them since 2014, other than to skype with the grandchildren once in awhile.  I thank the lord and my daughter in law Jenny for helping this to happen. At our age time is a precious and you can't afford to miss any possible time with family.  I only wish we all lived closer together and could spend more time.  We tried to stay in Oregon for the winter so we could be close to the son's family, however we  just can't do the cold weather and have headed back south. 

      I feel very blessed over the events of the summer, and it has been very emotional for me.  I was raised as an only child, and in 2006-07 I lost my grandparents, and then my mother six months later. For me it felt as if I was all alone as they were my support system.  I received a call in June 2020 from my estranged cousin Linda Castle who found me on Facebook.  After we chatted and got caught up she told me the reason for calling and finding me was that I have a brother who is trying to reach me "Ben".  She gave me his phone number, and I sat there after the call soaking in the conversation and information.  I then made the call to Ben.  I can't explain how Ben and I were connected immediately, as if we have known each other our entire life.  He and our son are so much alike in mannerisms, looks and behaviors, it was amazing.  We have talked and chatted at least weekly ever since that June day.  When we arrived in Utah in July and met in person the first time it was late in the evening and we got settled in our RV space at Hill AFB then drove to Ben's home where they were awaiting dinner for us.  We were greeted by the entire family with open arms and it felt as if we had always known each other (instant connection).  I saw so much of my kids and self in his children and him. Hard to put into words.  The next day they came over to the base to see us and spend time.  They had a death of a cousin and funeral they were involved in and had to help their family with preparations, so we volunteered to keep the kids for the day (now keep in mind we just met the night before).  They left and we spent afternoon and evening with the kids having a great time.  They returned around 10pm and Emmadora was telling us how a family member asked them where the kids were and she told them with Ben's sister.  The family member said "Didn't know he had a sister? she replied we just found out and just met.  The family member said when did you meet her? Emmadora said we met last night for the first time. The family member said (in shock) and you left your kids with them, and they are in a motor home?  We laughed about it but really who does that?  This is what I'm saying it wasn't like we just met, we have known each other all along it seems. We are that connected in DNA.  I would never have believed this if I hadn't experienced it first hand.  I can't speak for Ben and his family but think they felt the same right away.  It has been an awesome journey and I am truly a believer in DNA as I've seen it first hand and am very thankful for having found a brother in which I can share the rest of my life with and build memories.  It was a wonderful summer and I look forward to many more to come, and to our entire family making the time to get together more. 

Family Reunion Pictures 

   Ben &Uncle Bob                                Teresa & Uncle Bob

      Emmadora & Dylan                       Martha & Emmadora

Cousin Rob & Teresa                                                     Little Benny                                                              

Benny & Perlani                                                                           Buster Boy                                       

Preston & Drew                                                                       Perlani                                                 


        Ben, Cousin Linda & Uncle Bob




Ben & Uncle Bob                                               Cadence, Dylan, Tripton & Martha

Looking at Family Pictures of Lester and grandparents

Uncle Bob and Rob                                                           Cadence                                

All the Kids Performing Samoan Dance

                                                Cousin Linda and Teresa in Background

Samoan Dance Performance Ben, Emmadora and all the Kids

Ben & Preston

Dylan, Tripton, Cadence and Martha

All of us @ Cousin Linda & Terry's

Us with Preston & his Family & Ben &his Family

Cadence & Tripton with Cousins Jeanie and Linda

Ben & Preston
Uncle & Nephew

Ben & I Visiting our Dad's Grave Site

Grandparent Stott's


We have a new member in the family little Savannah Marie Herman who arrived end of August.  What an adorable little addition.

My Little Angel Girl Savannah
                                                           2 & 1/2 Months Old
2 1/2 Months Old

Proud Big Brother Hunter


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