
Showing posts from July, 2020

Away we go!!

The 1st of July we moved over to another park for the month as the new owner Liz will be here between 1st and 10th.  We're staying at Del Pueblo which is very nice park.  Liz got here on the 10th went over to greet them and give them keys to the kingdom and do title transfer.  The title was messed up as Nancy Smith didn't get a title after her husband passed.  So we had to get that taken care of first.  Finally got that straighten out the following week and just waiting for title in the mail.  Still looking for a tow trailer (Car hauler).  Guess we will have to rent one for first couple legs of our trip from Uhaul.  Drew met with the cardiologist finally (took 3 months to get in) Dr. Dima is concerned about where the blockage came from with his stroke, and that his right side of the heart is enlarged.  She suspects atrial fibrillation and irregular heart beat. might be the cause.  She is hooking him up to a monitor for 30 days, and running a couple other tests before we leave a