
Showing posts from June, 2020

A New Adventure and Chapter in Our Life

June 2020 Well we are off again to another adventure!  Can't seem to stay in one place too long and we get itchy feet.  We sold our home here in Yuma (see pictures below), and bought a 40 foot diesel motor home (also see pictures below). June was a month of many unforeseen situations.  I found out through my cousin Linda in Eugene that I have a brother Ben.  I called him right away as he had been searching for me awhile and my cousins helped him locate me.  We had a great conversation that first day and I met his beautiful family.  Since then we have been getting to know each other via chat and phone.  We will be going there in September to meet in person then going to Eugene for a family reunion.  Kyp has also met him via messages and chat.  It is amazing how much he and our son Preston are alike, and they both look like our dad in stature and build and in the face.  When I talk to Ben I see same mannerisms as Preston.  It's really weird but very exciting.  I can't wait