
Showing posts from March, 2020

Movin On Again

Well its time....Gettin those itchy feet!  Selling our home here in Yuma and going to go back to RVing for awhile.  Decided lives to short to just sit around, we love to travel and its just the two of us and our critters.  We aren't getting any younger and health is fair at this point. I had some blockage somewhere and when the cardiologist went in to look found what they call "Widow Maker"  main artery on top of heart was blocked so got a stent implanted.  Stayed in hospital a few days.  after stent put in had a small heart attach a few days later and back in hospital to fix.  All good now I think for now, still weak and have to go to cardiac rehab.  Hopefully by September we will be out of here. That when I can collect my SS and rest of retirement money. Yippy!! Drew is busy painting houses in the park and keeping care of some yards as the winter visitors are starting to leave.  He is keeping pretty busy. We love the people in the park and our home, but can't deal