
Showing posts from July, 2018

Hot! Hot! Hot!

We have reached that time here in Yuma of hottest part of the summer July and August.  We have been staying cool indoors and at the pool.  Went to California the last week of May and first week of June as Kyp and chance went to see Shawn in Okinawa.  Helped take care of the dogs and house with Sierra and Hunter.  Drew stayed home with our animals for the 10 days.  It was a long 10 days apart, no more of that.  Did have fun with Sierra and Hunter.  Took Hunter (great grandson) to the San Diego Safari Park, we had a great time. See photos below:  The day I returned to Yuma we had a summer pot luck that Drew and I hosted for the park.  Got home that night and next day was summer party so had to go early to club house to decorate and get everything ready, and go buy the rest of the food we needed.  Drew cooked the hamburgers and hot dogs and most people brought a side dish to share.  Had everything decorated in summer beach theme, and had some summer type games to play as well.  Had a huge