"Spring Break"

     Well we are just about through the season of spring break here at the Fort Stevens State Park.  Our spring break here lasts about two months since we cover several breaks from different States (Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Canada).  We have been very busy and will stay that way till October now.  April brings the Astoria/Warrenton Crab & Seafood Festival on 22-25th.  We had our State wide beach clean up and made a real haul.  Andrew and I worked Sunset Beach in Warrenton and had well over 200 people on our section of beach and at least 2000 or more pounds of debris gathered (See photo below). 
     I brought in the month of April with a bang, when the Yurt cleaning supply golf cart caught fire and burnt to the ground  also taking out a second golf cart with it. It was an exciting afternoon in the park that day (see picture).  It could have been much worse than it was I was blessed that day.  We decided to stay put thru the summer and just be still.  We have had a rough year with health issues, injuries and overall struggles. We don't need to make any rash decisions but rather just wait, be patient and listen to our hearts as to what plans are ahead for us.  We have faith and trust that all will become clear if we just wait and be still.  We are just now getting our medical stuff straight, and I am just getting over injury.  We have been mobile for so long that it is hard to stay put.
     We are planning to make this area our home for health reasons, but the winters are a little wet for us and we would like to be able to go for a few months to warmer next year. It hard for Andrew to drive in the car on freeway as the car exhaust bothers him greatly as does going in to the city area like Portland or Seattle.  Even here at the park we are going to have to move to a area that there are not any camp fires, this spring break was a huge test on his lungs for that and it was awful for him.  The campfires bother his lungs and make him sick. Since winter was so wet it will be a camp fire summer here for sure.  We may work over at the historic area at the guard house for the spring and summer doing tours there.  Would like to go to Bradley Wayside but some folks just committed to that this month already. 
     Some other news is we have two new additions to the family who will be arriving this next week. They are Sugar Bear Babies "Smokey" & "Boogie" (possibly to be re-named later).  They are 8-10 weeks old and absolutely adorable little pocket pals!  Once they arrive home I will post lots of pictures.  I'm excited to get them, they are very smart adorable little creatures.  (see pictures of what one looks like below.  Well that's about it we feel blessed and grateful for where we are and what's going on for us right now, we are staying positive.

                        BEACH CLEAN UP

                          YURT CART AFTER FIRE



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