Recent Situation in Nevada

Just to clarify our recent visit to Vegas and stop the rumors, here is the letter written to Mr. Thesman and also sent to the Meadows defending ourselves.  In addition we did not leave in the middle of the night as rumor may have it, we actually parked our motorhome in the storage lot next to the bus per mngmt, and we spent two days at Leona's and had a BBQ before we left the night before.  As for rumor of a bill being sent to us, really more than a year later.......We not only owe nothing but we did not get deposit back. As far as we knew we left in good standing and have never been notified otherwise until we came this week to visit and were denied entrance.  Our home was inspected when we left and walk thru was done by Kevin.  Please no more rumors we have suffered enough anguish this past year,

To: Michael Thesman

10100 Santa Monica Blvd #2400

LosAngeles, CA 90067


CC: Meadows

2900 Valley View Blvd

Las Vegas,  NV 92008


From: Teresa Ciupryk

            37395 North Fork Rd.

            P.O. Box 159

            Nehalem, Oregon, 97131

            (503) 791-0007

Re:  Visiting Friends at Las Vegas Meadows

Dear Mr. Thesman,                                                                                                                  October 9, 2014

     My husband Andrew and I are previous tenants of the Meadows in Las Vegas.  We moved there in October of 2012 and did a two year lease.  We absolutely loved it there and became quickly involved in all activities provided.  My husband became a driver for the company resident’s bus and I volunteered for and ran many of the programs there for Kristie.  This was to be our permanent home. After only 3-4 months there my husband started getting sick.  His symptoms became worse over the next several months and the VA was trying to determine the problem.  Long story short the VA kept miss diagnosing and when he became unable to do anything I took him to the UVMC where he was admitted immediately to the trauma center as he was near death.  They stabilized and did biopsy of lungs and he had lung disease (pulmonary Fibrosis).  The Pulmonologist explained that living previous to Vegas on our boat in tropical conditions the disease was dormant, and the desert environment triggered what they call a chronic flare up that presented every symptom of the disease at once and the disease over that 12 months we were there progressed as if it had progressed over the last 15 years.  He is left now with 65% lung capacity, and the disease continues to progress.  The doctors wrote letters and we got legal advice in what to do as doctors said he needed to move immediately from the desert environment.  We brought all the paper work and turned in our notification to move to Kimberly at the Meadows. In addition we filed a claim (Tort Claim) against VA for neglectful treatment while we were there in Vegas and recently in July this year the VA made a settlement with us. 

     Recently October 6th we stopped in Las Vegas to visit friends we have at the Meadows, we left Oregon on Saturday the 4th of October with intention to visit for 3-4 days in Vegas with friends, then on to CA for visit with family and to board a cruise in Long Beach to Hawaii.  When we were 300 miles out from Vegas we received a call from our friend stating that Kimberly had called her stating that we were not allowed there.  She called me upset as she had talked to Kimberly previous and it was okay then she called and said she had to retract what she had told her. I called Kimberly immediately to inquire what was going on and why were we not allowed.  Her reply was “unfortunately you have been 86’d from the property” when I asked why was told it was because we broke our lease.  I reminded her we had legal/medical reasons documented.  She stood her ground.  I then called to talk with you and talked with the person under you as you were not available.  He also stated the same as Kimberly, and I told him of the situation and also stated that I had received no bill from them, no correspondence what so ever, and would like for him to call them so we could get in to see our friends, or a letter from them stating why we are 86’d from there.  Keep in mind here we are on the road and only a few hundred miles from there.  I stated it was wrong to dictate to tenants there who they could have visit, and I was not a criminal and had done nothing wrong.  A few hours later I tried to call Kimberly back to see if your person there called them, and she was not available so I asked to talk to Roger.  He got on the phone I stated who I was and did he remember us and he did I said I had talked to Kimberly earlier and was disconnected and wanted to discuss coming there to visit. He would not discuss and became very mean with me stating “you would do best to stay away from here and security has been notified not to let you in or I will have you arrested” I tried to ask why this was happening as we were very well liked and part of the community, and said I would just meet our friends at the gate and give them what we had for them and them for us and he said no you cannot do that either.  I got angry and replied “You don’t own the damn sidewalk you ass” and he hung up on me of course.  I was wrong in that language but was very distraught and crying. 

When we moved we paid back the free month of the first years lease since we did break the lease, we did not receive our deposit back and I refused to sign the paper stating we owed the second years lease per my legal advice from our lawyer.  Enclosed is what my lawyer had me write up with our notification to terminate along with the doctors letters.  My husband’s doctor at the VA said that he was called by the meadows for verification and they were not satisfied with what he told them. 

     Not only have we been utterly humiliated and treated like we are common criminals or something, we are very hurt as we gave a lot to the community and the corporation there.  We do not deserve to be treating in this way or penalized for my husband becoming sick, we suffer enough already.  Not only have our rights been violated but it violates their rights as tenants to have guests.  Here is the statute our lawyer had us provide with termination notice.

NRS 118A.340  Right of tenant or cotenant to terminate lease due to physical or mental disability or death.

      1.  Notwithstanding any provision in a lease of a dwelling to the contrary, if a physical or mental condition of a tenant requires the relocation of the tenant from his or her dwelling because of a need for care or treatment that cannot be provided in the dwelling and the tenant is 60 years of age or older or has a physical or mental disability:

      (a) That tenant may terminate the lease by giving the landlord 30 days’ written notice within 60 days after the tenant relocates; and

      (b) A cotenant of that tenant may terminate the lease by giving the landlord 30 days’ written notice within 60 days after the tenant relocates if:

             (1) The cotenant became a tenant of the dwelling before the date on which the lease was signed by the tenant who is relocating and the cotenant is 60 years of age or older or has a physical or mental disability; or

             (2) The cotenant became a tenant of the dwelling on or after the date on which the lease was signed by the tenant who is relocating.

      2.  Notwithstanding any provision in a lease of a dwelling to the contrary, upon the death of the spouse or cotenant of:

      (a) A tenant who is 60 years of age or older; or

      (b) A tenant who has a physical or mental disability,

Ê the tenant may terminate the lease by giving the landlord 60 days’ written notice within 3 months after the death.

      3.  The written notice provided to a landlord pursuant to subsection 1 or 2 must set forth the facts which demonstrate that the tenant or cotenant is entitled to terminate the lease. If the tenant or cotenant is terminating the lease pursuant to subsection 1, the tenant or cotenant shall include reasonable verification:

      (a) Of the existence of the physical or mental condition of the tenant; and

      (b) That the physical or mental condition requires the relocation of the tenant from his or her dwelling because of a need for care or treatment that cannot be provided in the dwelling.

      4.  This section does not give a landlord the right to terminate a lease solely because of the death of one of the tenants.

      5.  As used in this section, “cotenant” means a tenant who, pursuant to a lease, is entitled to occupy a dwelling that another tenant who is 60 years of age or older or who has a physical or mental disability is also entitled to occupy pursuant to the same lease.

     As far as us trespassing on private property which is what your corporate guy and Roger kept repeating to us, we first of all had a right to be there as a guest of a home owner and had consent from that home owner to come visit.  I can see the Meadows not wanting us to be and use the amenities but to say we cannot visit in a friend’s house is a violation of their tenant rights.  Our friend was even denied an explanation of the reason. 

     In closing I just want to say I would like to be able to visit friends there in the community and staff and would greatly appreciate an apology from all those who decided we were not allowed there.  I feel that our friend deserves an apology specifically for being told who she can and can’t have visit her in her own home.  I don’t want to cause problems or pursue anything legally over something that is simply just wrongful treatment.  I harbor no hard feelings at this point if the misunderstanding is corrected.  I can’t explain the anguish we had and tears shed over the situation, it was just wrong to treat somebody this way when they have done nothing wrong and in fact was a valued member of the community.  Before we even moved I shed tears for several weeks about having to move.  It was an all-around bad situation for us.


Teresa Ciupryk


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