
Showing posts from May, 2014

Memorial Weekend

     The park was full with no vacancy over memorial weekend.  Let me give you some idea of how many people that is:  The park is 300 sites  total with 6-8 people per site.  That's approx. 1800 people a day.  You can 't possible guess how much toilet paper and paper towels that is.  Well it is a lot.  We had only two incidents of obnoxious behavior and only one group that got kicked out of park so not bad overall for the holiday.  We were extremely busy and had all the junior ranger stuff for kids and programs in the Amphitheatre as well.  Andrew has been working the booth at Ecola State Park which is 20 miles up the road and just as busy.  One of the rangers up there went over to Saddle mountain camp grounds to do a check and rolled the truck down embankment 60-80 feet and landed in the creek.  She wasn't hurt but truck totaled.  She was very lucky from the pictures of it.  Below are photo of Andrew the Ranger man.  So far he is doing okay and they have him in the booth. 

Feels like Home

     We are back at Nehalem Bay State Park.  We are all settled into our new trailer, very nice and have lots of room.  Feels like a house again and a home.  Preston, Jen and the kids were up over the weekend to get their tent trailer we used.  Had an absolutely beautiful weekend with lots of bike riding and collecting a few sticks.  Preston brought his hookah so we sat around a campfire and sampled his Hawaiian blend tobacco, real smooth and good taste.  Andrew started his summer job as assistant ranger yesterday, and I  am doing odd jobs around park till June, then will move over to host site A2.  I have been making stuff with wine corks, coaster sets, hot plate pads and vegetable labels for the garden.  Will post some pictures. We plan on staying here in Nehalem after we are done hosting in August.  We are renting a space at the Nehalem Shores RV and cottages on the Nehalem river.   In the pictures it looks congested with RV's but this is

Come on Summer

We are wrapping up our stay here at Fort Stevens a little earlier than expected.  We were due to finish here and head back to Nehalem in June, however we will be leaving at the end of this week on the 11th of May.  Andrew got hired as an Assistant Ranger and was due to start on June 2nd, but they called and want to start him on May 19th.  I will still be hosting June, July and August at Nehalem, but Andrew will not and he will be working at Ecola State Park which is only 20 miles away.  We have enjoyed the Historical Museum area here at fort Stevens and all the people are great. The first month we worked in the museum store, and this month we drove the vintage 1952 duce 1/2 truck tour.  (see photo below)      We also sold the motorhome and finally bought a bigger trailer.  It will be delivered on Monday the 12th of May to Nehalem Bay from Portland.   We are very excited to move into our new place.  Our son and daughter in law let us use their tent trailer for two weeks while we l