
Showing posts from February, 2014

February New's

Well we have survived the winter here and we have had it all, snow, rain, sun and hail.  Sometimes all in 1 hour of each other. This is just how Oregon weather is.  Looks like we are going to be staying here thru the summer months.  Andrew's health is the biggest reason, secondly social security needs us to stay in one location in order to complete his determination, and lastly we are enjoying ourselves camp hosting.  We will be hosting here at Nehalem another month, then moving south 45 miles or so to Ft Stephens State Park for April & May where we will be working the Museum/Store (April).  In May we will be working the tour of the Fort in a two ton Army Truck, Andrew will drive and I ride in back of truck with people to explain as we go along the tour.  In June we come back to Nehalem Bay to host in camp site.  Back to Ft. Stephens in July to work driving around camp sites delivering wood. Then August and September back to Nehalem Bay to finish off the summer.  Busy summer ah

Having Fun

  We are enjoying ourselves here, started a line dance class using the park meeting hall.  Had around 10 people the first class.  Since the first class I have had five more that are coming to next one.  Some are locals from town and a few park rangers and their wives.  Have had decent weather this past week, all the snow is gone.  I have been busy with several projects, crochet, sewing, beading etc....most know I have to stay busy all the time.  Below are some pictures of my projects.  Had a nice Valentines anniversary (34years) went to dinner in town and Saturday going to play Bingo in another town close by.  Andrew is doing fairly well, he has low energy sometimes and tires easily. His lung capacity is holding at 65% now after using steroids for a couple months.  He liked it when he was on the steroids as it gave him a lot of energy and he felt like his old self.  Will talk to the doctor about possibly taking something once in awhile. He just hates that he can't do like he use to

Let it snow ,let it snow, let it snow

 Oh my gosh we have had the strangest weather I ever have seen in my life, and today 4 inches of snow so far.  Check out these pictures, from sunny yesterday to snow today.  Glad we are off today, however have only seen three people come into the park today.  Here are some pictures we took today, the first is Buster who didn't want to get  out of we know why!  Andrew took them to the beach to play in the snow, you can't even see the ocean.  All I can say is WOW!!! Exciting winter we are having here and we don't like cold at all. 

Enjoying a Good Winter

     So far the weather has been picture perfect for Oregon.  We went to the son's for a super bowl party, had a great time with them.  Went up on Saturday after hosting duties and spent the night, went out for dinner then shopped at JoAnns fabric for Jenny some material to make curtins for bedroom and pillows. Went to church all of us on Sunday morning then home to get ready for the party.  What a game that was.  Drove back over to the coast that night.       Here are some pictures of a heard of Elk, bulls, cows and a few young ones.  They took over the high school football field here local. Will leave here end of March and head back to California to camp host at San Onofre Bluffs State Park.