
Showing posts from June, 2014

Great News !!!

     We received an offer for settlement on our claim against the VA in Las Vegas for their neglectful treatment last year when Andrew became so sick. We negotiated with them and came to a mutual agreement amount.  Things are starting to look up again and we are getting settled into a new life here on the Oregon Coast.  I am committed to host at the park until August but we are buying a place in a remote park on the river that is somewhat hidden off the road called Nehalem shores.  It is mostly model cabins and a few RV spaces.  Although we did just buy a new trailer we are going to purchase a place there and sell our RV.  Below are a few pictures of the place and the remarkable view on the river.  We want a permanent home and then we can take a few trips in the winter months to break up the cold weather.   KITCHEN AREA    PORCH THAY GOES ENTIR LENGTH  THAT WE WILL ENCLOSE  BATHROOM    MASTER BEDROOM WITH DOUBLE MIRRORED CLOSETS OPOSITE SIDE    LIVING ROO

Loving Life

     We are loving life these days.  All settled into our spot in the park for the next three months.  Had a busy week training new hosts for the summer and helping the rangers with orientations.  Helped our friend Cathy move herself up to Ecola where Andrew works as she is there for the summer.  Played bingo in Rockaway Saturday and won $60.  Start line dancing back up on 13th.  I am loving my summer schedule as host.  I am in the main Kiosk A2, but my duties are Kiosk, Yurts and Day Jr. Ranger and Evening Programs.  No bathrooms, firewood, or selling of anything.  Chance (grandson ) will be here 11th of June and he will also be helping with the Jr. Ranger Program.  Sierra (oldest granddaughter) who recently married and is having our great grandbaby is doing well.  She is getting big belly.  Matt her husband leaves for Basic training July 14th in North Carolina, then after that he goes to Georgia for his tech school in communications, and Sierra will go then with him as the school is