
Showing posts from April, 2014

"April Shower's Bring May Flower's"

     Lets hope that it does bring May Flowers.  We made the move over here to Fort Stephens on the 31st of March and started our Hosting in the Fort Stephens Historic park, where the Civil War Fort is and the Military Museum/store.  There are two RV sites on the grounds and the Fort is about 1 mile from the main Camp Grounds.  So we and another couple who share working the Museum both reside here.  It is great,  nice and quiet after 4:00 each day, gated and armed community.  If we want to go out we have to open gates going and coming.  We share our enormous yard with a rather large heard of elk, which you find wondering the grounds most days and bedding down around the Fort remains.  We have coyotes and also cougar, so we don't venture off on foot after dark from camp area.  It gets very,  very dark out here.  Working the museum and store is great, we have tours of the grounds, videos we show and of course Junior Ranger stuff for the kids.  Next month the Truck tours start of the F