
Our Plans are like Jello Sometimes it just doesn't set!

 We had a change of plans, and came to California where we decided to sell the motor home.  We didn't expect it to sell in two days time.  We arrived to San Clemente on the 1st of December and sold motor home on 3rd.  We rented an apartment in the downtown (1 block over from Main Street Del Mar) area close to the beach.  We had a great holiday with some of the family and Shawn was home also.  We are enjoying being close to family and our new great grand baby is absolutely adorable.  She is the happiest baby I've ever seen.  We have gotten all our medical appointments under way and scheduled and it feels good to be in one place settled again.  We're enjoying walking the beach everyday and all the little shops and restaurants.  Don't miss the motor home it was a lot of stress for us and after Drew's stroke was just too much to handle.  We did enjoy our trips through the summer and made good use of it.  So now we are in San Clemente for at least a year we signed a leas